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Global Marketing & Trade26321/13061/2324/1/22

Global Marketing & Trade

Academiejaar 2023-24
Komt voor in:
  • Bachelor of International Business Management, trajectschijf 2
Dit is een enkelvoudig opleidingsonderdeel.
Studieomvang: 12 studiepunten

Omschrijving volgtijdelijkheid

Op dit opleidingsonderdeel is er geen volgtijdelijkheid van toepassing.
Totale studietijd: 103,00 uren
Mogelijke grensdata voor leerkrediet: 01.12.2023 (georganiseerd in semester 1) of 15.03.2024 (georganiseerd in semester 2)
Dit opleidingsonderdeel wordt gequoteerd op 20 (tot op een geheel getal).
Tweede examenkans: wel mogelijk.
Men kan dit opleidingsonderdeel niet volgen binnen een
  • examencontract (met het oog op het behalen van een creditbewijs).
  • examencontract (met het oog op het behalen van een diploma).
Docenten: Gorremans Jan, Moens Kristof, Pensaert Mikael, Vandaele Lies, Van de Slycke Johan, Vermeulen Lien
Taalvak: Nee
Onderwijstalen: Engels
Kalender: Semester 3 of Semester 4

Leerresultaten en -doelen (lijst)

IBM/1100Bachelors describe and critically analyse business and organisational processes and their interrelationship in a broad, globalised and changing context, and apply these insights independently in view of efficient and effective business management.LeerresultaatBS
IBM/1120Students critically analyse financial processes in a complex, controlled or simple, real business or organisational environment.Leerdoel Verdiepend-VerbredendBS
IBM/1121Students critically analyse economic processes in a complex, controlled or simple, real business or organisational environment.Leerdoel Verdiepend-VerbredendBS
IBM/1124Students critically analyse logistic processes in a complex, controlled or simple, real business or organisational environment.Leerdoel Verdiepend-VerbredendBS
IBM/1125Students critically analyse marketing processes in a complex, controlled or simple, real business or organisational environment.Leerdoel Verdiepend-VerbredendBS
IBM/1126Students critically analyse sales strategy and procurement processes in a complex, controlled or simple, real business or organisational environment.Leerdoel Verdiepend-VerbredendBS
IBM/1127Students critically analyse legal processes in a complex, controlled or simple, real business or organisational environment.Leerdoel Verdiepend-VerbredendBS
IBM/1300Bachelors have insight into international business management, identify, analyse and evaluate challenges and opportunities in an existing or new global business context while taking into account economic, ecological, societal, political and cultural factors.LeerresultaatBS
IBM/1320Students apply the relevant laws and regulations in a defined international context.Leerdoel Verdiepend-VerbredendBS
IBM/1321Students critically examine international economic, ecological, societal, political and cultural events for their impact on international business.Leerdoel Verdiepend-VerbredendBS
IBM/1322Students analyse a complex business case with help and advise an appropriate solution, while considering the dynamic international economic, ecological and technological environment.Leerdoel Verdiepend-VerbredendBS
IM/0200Bachelors take responsibility in various tasks and roles within a company or organisation and collaborate in a constructive and flexible manner as a member of a diverse team.LeerresultaatBS
IM/0224Students involve, stimulate and motivate other team members to complete tasks successfully by leading by example.Leerdoel Verdiepend-VerbredendBS
IM/0225Students give constructive feedback to others.Leerdoel Verdiepend-VerbredendBS
IM/0227Students adapt their behaviour as a team member based on feedback or changed circumstances (assignment changes, negative or positive results, additional work, etc.).Leerdoel Verdiepend-VerbredendBS
IM/0300Bachelors collect, analyse, interpret and evaluate scientific and contextual quantitative/qualitative data independently, professionally report on this and formulate recommendations based on their findings while demonstrating a critical and inquisitive attitude.LeerresultaatBS
IM/0323Students are critical of the content and quality of source information from field research.Leerdoel Verdiepend-VerbredendBS
IM/0325Students apply the basic principles of quantitative and/or qualitative research under supervision.Leerdoel Verdiepend-VerbredendBS
IM/0327Students critically interpret data from field research, draw conclusions and turn them into meaningful recommendations for domain-specific challenges.Leerdoel Verdiepend-VerbredendBS
IM/0331Students report in a professional, structured and comprehensible (intelligible) way on research to colleagues and the professional field.Leerdoel Verdiepend-VerbredendBS
IM/0400Bachelors are enterprising, work independently, systematically and accurately and use a solution-oriented, creative and innovative approach to optimise business processes in a creative and innovative way.LeerresultaatBS
IM/0420Students solve problems systematically with an appropriate solution strategy.Leerdoel Verdiepend-VerbredendBS
IM/0421Students assess possible solutions in relation to the orginal problem and look for alternatives if certain approaches or solutions prove to be ineffective.Leerdoel Verdiepend-VerbredendBS
IM/0424Students act resourceful, use innovative resources, think in different directions and are no tied to fixed patterns and framework. Leerdoel Verdiepend-VerbredendBS

Omschrijving Inhoud

The students will learn how businesses operate in a global context by focusing on the following building blocks:

Internal & external analysis
Market research
Market approach
Risk analysis
Financial analysis

Omschrijving Studiematerialen (lijst)

Uitrustings- en werkmateriaal
  • Medium: Digitale leeromgeving
  • Niet te koop via de verkoopdienst
  • Niet in voorraad
  • Code: 6258
  • Niet te koop via de verkoopdienst
  • Niet in voorraad

Omschrijving Onderwijsorganisatie (lijst)

Hoor- en werkcolleges80,00 uren
Taken in zelfstudietijd
Taken in zelfstudietijd8,00 uren
Toets- en examentijd
Toets- en examentijd5,00 uren
Zelfstudie10,00 uren

Omschrijving Onderwijsorganisatie (tekst)

See the Study Guide of this course unit for more details about the educational organisation.
In the context of blended learning, you are required to prepare thoroughly for the lessons and coaching sessions. You are expected to study the theory and prepare the exercises independently. If you come to class insufficiently prepared, you may be denied access to the classroom until the required preparations are made.
Education and assessment will be organised as described on these ECTS sheets, except when measures must be taken as a result of a force majeure situation, and other education and assessment methods are used accordingly.
There is a different registration date for this course unit. Consult the course guide for more information.
Process coaching in this programme unit: will focus on sustaining motivation during collaboration; as well as giving and receiving feedback

Omschrijving Evaluatie (lijst)

Evaluatie(s) voor de eerste examenkans
eerste of tweede examenperiode buiten examenroosterMondeling20,00
eerste of tweede examenperiode buiten examenroosterObservatie5,00
eerste of tweede examenperiode buiten examenroosterSchriftelijk50,00
eerste of tweede examenperiode buiten examenroosterWerkstuk25,00
Evaluatie(s) voor de tweede examenkans
derde examenperiode binnen examenroosterMondeling20,00
derde examenperiode binnen examenroosterSchriftelijk5,00
derde examenperiode binnen examenroosterSchriftelijk50,00
derde examenperiode binnen examenroosterWerkstuk25,00

Omschrijving Evaluatie (tekst)

See the study guide of this course unit for more details about evaluation and other agreements.
The student must always correctly refer to the source when using the intellectual property of others (texts, ideas, images, etc.). This skill is crucial. Using own previous work (for other course units or from previous academic years) is also only allowed with clear reference to the source and the permission of the lecturer. Plagiarism is considered an irregularity (see study contract and student course guide for the plagiarism procedure).
Students who do not hand in before the deadline, lose the right to submit the assignment and therefore will not be scored. Only students with legal absence are entitled to a new submission date.
Based on a peer assessment, the group score can be turned into an individual score.
The evaluation in this course unit is (partly) based on group work. Students who do not pass the cooperation competences (follow-up via team charter) cannot pass the project.
Correct and appropriate language use increases the clarity of a text. Giving proper consideration to correct use of language can thus contribute to your chances of success.

Afwezigheid wettigen

In this course unit, you are required to report your legal absence. Consult the course guide for more information.